Monday, August 29, 2016

Joy of Giving.

In childhood, I remember my father used to get me chocolates... n ask me to share with all family members before I eat... Today I forgot the taste and name of that chocolate... but learnt and experienced the "joy of giving"

Today we as parents give equal chocolates... same toys to both our kids... And tell them..."tum apna khao... tum apna khelo... jhagda mat karo"....

Here we are not teaching peace... but teaching them how to think "only for self". And kids start using words like "my chocolate life... my choice"

"My" is nothing but ego... And once ego comes, wisdom leaves... only knowledge is left behind !!!

Teach your children to never walk alone in life and on the path to prosperity... Teach them to bring others with them too... Love others and make them prosperous too... Spread love and happiness 

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